Soul Searching / 自分探し

Guy, a Soul Therapist, helps people with regular problems caused by the irregular, as part of his jouerny searching for a witch that wronged his people.

Soul Searching is a highly exprimental series investigating the production of live-action anime through Weedon&Scott's "Offset Method".

Each episode focuses on getting at least one offset right, with 3-4 attempted offsets overall. This unfortunately means that traditional elements of production value may be sacrificed during the attempt.

Episode 1: "Selfish"

A young woman calls a Soul Therapist for seemingly unsolvable anxiety, soon after her girlfriend starts seeing a new mentor.

Experiments with replicating the inner dialogues and explainers of anime.

Directed by Omer Peleg & Ofek Doitch
Written, produced and edited by Ofek Doitch
Nataly Bar as Jane
Ophir Friedman as Emily

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Episode 2: "Cesar"

A brother suspects he's being haunted after his sister leaves mysteriously.

Experiments with anime-style suspense, a more mellow version of the Hollywood equivalent.

Directed, written, produced and edited by Ofek Doitch
Taiu Iosovich as Cesar

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